By Daryl Kipnis, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress from the 12th District.
The irrational and desperate hatred displayed by apoplectic Hollywood leftist elites like Bill Maher and Robert DeNiro in the face of the historic foreign and domestic policy accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump and the Republican leadership in Washington, D.C., demonstrate that the Democrats’ fantasies of a “Blue Wave” in the coming 2018 midterm elections are evaporating.
While Mr. DeNiro elicited cheers from members of his insular sociopolitical echo chamber as a result of cheap vulgarity leveled against the president at the Tony Awards, even more troubling is Mr. Maher openly rooting for the failure of America’s economy – and the misery of its people – so long as it means that his team gets to hold all the marbles.
“Sorry if it hurts people” he said.
Not only did millions of Americans lose their homes, jobs, and retirement accounts in the the last recession, it was also linked to more than 10,000 suicides across North America and Europe.
Sorry if it hurts people?
He should apologize right now.
While our nation secured a historic commitment from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un this week to proceed towards historic peace and denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula, and is enjoying unprecedented economic successes at home, including record low unemployment and record high job openings, my Democratic opponent, U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, not only refuses to publicly acknowledge these achievements, but is instead bragging on social media that she is suing the President.
As she and about 200 of her fellow Democratic cohorts dig through Trump-branded business holdings throughout the world, mining for their next shiny object to float to their allies in the media, they turn a blind eye to the flagrant corruption of Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, who has still failed to return any of the illegal gifts he obtained from his “good friend,” convicted Medicare fraudster Dr. Salomon Melgen.
In fact, she and other Democrats sing the praises of their corrupt and publicly admonished colleague as long as he shares their ideology, saying they “love him,” and he “is a good senator for this country.”
Because she’d rather further her own “scorched earth” political agenda, just this year alone, Watson Coleman has inexcusably and astonishingly voted against fixing NICS background checks for firearm purchases and improved school security in the aftermath of devastating school shootings, funding for women’s healthcare, the right of the terminally ill to try experimental medical treatments, medical freedom for veterans outside of the failing Veterans Administration, and more money in the pockets of American working families, all of which became law no thanks to her.
In fact, she has voted “no” 90 percent of the time she has been in office, only supporting 19 of the 185 bills coming to her since 2015, even before President Trump took office.
This is more than just “resisting,” it is pure political partisanship and grandstanding while turning her back on the positive differences these pieces of legislation can make in the lives of the people she represents.
Thankfully, Mr. Maher and Mr. DeNiro are entertainers, not elected officials who vote on matters of policy affecting the future of my three children.
However, Ms. Watson Coleman is responsible for voting on policies affecting children across the country, and she has not only demonstrated by her rhetoric and record that she approves of their pathological elitist attitudes towards anyone with whom they disagree, but worse yet, that she is unable and unwilling to work with anyone in Washington, D.C., with different views from her to get things done for the good of the people of New Jersey and across the country.
The people of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District can no longer afford to have a member of congress who puts politics over people, and my opponent must therefore be defeated in November.
Unlike her, I will work with anyone and everyone to ensure that all New Jerseyans not only share in the successes of our great nation, but that all Americans share in the successes of New Jersey.
If you want to make that a reality, and I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t, please consider me for your vote as your next congressman in New Jersey’s 12th District on Nov. 6.
District residents can learn more about Kipnis’ campaign at www.kipnisforcongress.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/KipnisForCongress, or on Twitter at @Kipnis4Congress.