
Dressage Show & Carriage Drive April 19

The Friends of Lord Stirling Stable (FLSS) invite both horse and rider, horse and driver, and spectators to attend the annual Dressage Show at Somerset County Park Commission Lord Stirling Stable, 256 South Maple Avenue in Basking Ridge, New Jersey on Sunday, April 19, 2015. The show will begin at 8:00 A.M.

Thirteen divisions will be separated into two sections – one for those riders with privately owned horses and the other for Lord Stirling Stable students on school horses. Divisions include the USDF Intro Level, Test 1 (walk/trot), Training Level Tests 1 through 4, First Level Tests 1 through 4, and two “Test of Choice” divisions. A Prix Caprilli class is offered as well. Quadrille, freestyle, and musical kur entries are also welcome.

Mail-in registration forms are available in the office at Lord Stirling Stable and on the Friends’ website, www.flssnj.org. Entry fees for FLSS members are $25 for the first test and $30 for each additional test; non-member fees are $45 for the first test and $40 for each additional test. Entries will continue to be accepted as space permits. All private horse owners must provide a current negative Coggins for their horse when registering. ASTM/SEI approved equestrian headgear is required for all participants.

Also on that same day, horses and drivers are invited to participate in the Spring Pleasure Drive. Beginning at 9:00 A.M., carriage drivers will follow a predetermined, well-marked route through the miles of beautiful trails. Drivers have a unique perspective from which to enjoy the landscape as it begins to come alive with spring colors, sights, and sounds. The last team will depart at 11:00 A.M. Time is not a factor in the outcome. A just-for-fun cones course will also be available if weather permits.

Pre-registration for drivers and horses is helpful but not necessary. The entry fee is $40 on the day of the event. If the Pleasure Drive is cancelled due to severe weather, entries will be returned. Registration forms are available in the Stable office and on the Friends’ website, www.flssnj.org. Fee includes coffee and light breakfast items.

Spectators are invited free of charge to enjoy either or both events.

Lord Stirling Stable is situated on 450 acres with 18 miles of trails (wooded and fields), one indoor ring, three outdoor rings, and an outdoor-jumping course.

For Dressage questions, additional information, or to volunteer to help with the Dressage show, contact Chuck Rosen at 609-436-5700 or email cbrosen@att.net. For directions to Lord Stirling Stable, call 908-766-5955 or NJ Relay 711 for individuals with hearing impairments.

Information about other Somerset County Park Commission events can be found on the web at www.somersetcountyparks.org.

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