
Dignitaries On Hand To Greet Pine Grove Students On First Day Of School

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“Tuxedo” gets a hug from a Pine Grove Manor School student on the first day of the 2015-16 school year.

Students arriving at Pine Grove Manor School for the first day of the 2015-16 school year weren’t just greeted by their teachers and administrators.

Also on hand on Sept. 3 to welcome the students was the newly minted schools Superintendent, John Ravally, and Board of Education president Ed Potosnak.

Oh, and Tuxedo, the school’s mascot, complete with a new superhero cape.

Tuxedo seemed to be the students’ favorite, if you judge by the number of high-fives and fist bumps traded with the Pine Grovers as they walked from their buses into the school.

This was Potosnak’s first opening day since becoming board president last January. For Ravally, this was his 14th opening day as a superintendent.

Ravally said he chose to spend his first opening day in the township at Pine Grove Manor because of the feeling he got when he toured the school on Sept. 2.

“I just got a very excited feeling when I walked through, and I said hey, I want to see what that’s all about,” Ravally said. “There seems to be a certain air of excitement here.”

Ravally said he spent Sept. 2 touring every school in the district, making sure things were ready for opening day.

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Schools Superintendent John Ravally, left, and Board of Education president Ed Potosnak, right, greet students at Pine Grove Manor School.

“I went to every single school, talked to every head custodian and thanked them for the hard work” done by them and their crews, Ravally said. He said he said the same thing to the building principals and their staffs.

“That gives you a sense of confidence that we’re ready for today,” he said,

“Today, we just want teachers to be comfortable, we want students to come into the building and be ready to learn,” Ravally said. “We want to capitalize on that energy, to keep that momentum moving forward.”

Ravally said he hoped to visit at least half of the township’s schools on Sept. 3, and would visit the remainder the next day.

Pine Grove principal Miguel Rivera said that he was “very honored” that Ravally chose his school to greet students.

“He’s recognized that there are great things going on here,” Rivera said. “I can’t tell you how excited we all are to get started.”

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