
Danielsen Clothing Drives Nets More Than 1,000 Garments

Members of Assemblyman Danielsen’s staff distributed some of the clothing to representatives from the Zakee Bowser Foundation. (Photo: Assemblyman Joe Danielsen.)

More than 1,100 pieces of winter clothing were donated to the annual “Head to Toe” Winter Clothing Drive sponsored by state Assemblyman Joe Danielsen.

Danielsen (D-17) delivered the clothing to the Zakee Bowser Foundation, Unity Square, and the Salvation Army, according to a press release.

Larger donations were made by the the Piscataway Elks, the Franklin Township Fire Safety Inspectors, and the Bound Brook American Legion, according to the release.

Members of the community also dropped off items, the release said.

“I want to thank the efforts of the great community partners that were able to ensure that children throughout the 17th Legislative District have the necessary clothing items for the winter months,” Danielsen said in the release. “While normally I host an annual backpack drive, we had to think outside the box to help the community due to the pandemic.”

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