The long-delayed spray park at Colonial Park finally opened on Aug. 30, and the initial reviews were positive.
The opening of the 6,500-square-foot park, located next to the Morgan Pellowski Playground on Colonial Drive, was delayed more than a year due to changes in contractors and bacteria found in the water earlier this month.
But it was all smiles and cheers Aug. 30 as township and county officials lined up behind a ribbon to officially mark the $800,000 park’s opening.
Cindie Sullivan, assistant director of the Somerset County Park Commission, said the spray park will be an added feature to the Pellowski playground, which the county has always considered to be the “heart” of Colonial Park.
“So I’d like to thank the residents of Somerset County, who told us when we did our capital facilities study a couple of years ago, that you wanted additional play features for children to explore their imagination and grow their bodies,” she said.
“Today is a really happy day,” Sullivan said.

Mayor Phil Kramer said the spray park is “a wonderful addition to Franklin, we’re very happy, this is a wonderful park. It’s just a great thing. I think this is the jewel of the county. Thank you for putting your attention to Franklin.”
Somerset County Freeholder Director Brian Levine, a former township mayor, said the county parks are a “living, breathing entity for us. Ever-evolving, ever putting new things in. And this is just a way to continue that, especially for the kids.”
Following the ribbon-cutting, Kramer spent some time actually in the spray park, getting drenched in the process.
Following are some scenes from the day: