Central Jersey College Prep Charter School (CJCP) is a public charter school serving grades Kindergarten through 3rd, and 6 through 12. Parents of students who reside in Franklin Township, New Brunswick and North Brunswick may apply for admission to CJCP for their child. There is no testing or any other academic eligibility requirement. A lottery determines which applicants are accepted and eligible to enroll.
- January 2, 2017: Online application becomes available at www.cjcollegeprep.org
- January 21, 2017: Open House – 10 am (ES), 12 pm (MS), and 2 pm (HS)
- February 25, 2017: Open House – 10 am (ES), 12 pm (MS), and 2 pm (HS)
- February 28, 2017: Deadline to submit application
- March 7, 2017: Lottery Day – 6:00 pm at the school auditorium
- March 8 – 28, 2017: Enrollment paperwork is submitted to the school by lottery winners
- March 29, 2017: Invitations begin for students placed on the waiting list (if space is available)
Please visit www.cjcollegeprep.org or click here to begin the application for the school year 2017-18. Applications submitted for years prior to the 2017-2018 school year are not carried over into the 2017-2018 school year. Therefore, you must reapply for the 2017-2018 school year if your child has not been admitted to CJCP. One application per student is allowed. No application is needed for current CJCP students that are returning next year.
If you have a student currently attending CJCP and are interested in enrolling your other child(ren), please email us at fcekic@cjcollegeprep.org as the siblings of CJCP students get privileges to enroll CJCP without having to enter the lottery. Please be reminded that an online application must be submitted in a timely manner for each incoming student.
The lottery will be held on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at the CJCP auditorium. All parents/students are welcome to attend the lottery. All applications received by the deadline will be included in the lottery except siblings of current CJCP students. The lottery results will be published on www.cjcollegeprep.org and all winners and wait listed applicants will be notified via email (to the email address provided to us on the application) immediately following the lottery.
Applicants who are selected through the lottery will be automatically placed on the waiting list in the order determined by lottery. Lottery winners will receive an invitation via e-mail with the specific paperwork necessary to register the student. A parent or legal guardian is required to come to the school and complete the registration process in person during the enrollment period (March 8 – 28, 2017).
The mission of Central Jersey College Prep Charter School is to provide academic and social challenges and opportunities for students to attain the skills necessary for success in post-secondary education.
This content was sponsored by Central Jersey College Prep Charter School.