An 8th Grader at Cedar Hill Preparatory School in April placed in the top 25 speakers at the east coast regionals finals of the Middle School Debate League.
Zoe Rivera placed 20th in the finals, which were held April 16 at Stonebridge Middle School in Allentown. In total, 270 students representing 29 schools and five states competed in the event.
During the event, teams debated five topics, with the top two teams debating a sixth topic in front of the entire league. Debate topics were: The US should establish a no-fly zone in Syria, the US should have compulsory voting in general elections, schools should require cameras in classrooms, the late US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s career in the SC did more good than harm, scientists should use cloning technology to resurrect animals made extinct by humans, and the US should adopt the metric system.