
Busy Weekend In The Eight Villages

The Franklin Reporter & Advocate was out and about on October 28 and 29, bringing you donations, parties and fundraisers.

Om October 28, we were at the Franklin Food Bank HQ on Churchill Road where the food bank received a nearly $7,000 cash donation from the Sodhani Foundation and members of the Canal Walk community.

Here’s a video of the ceremony:

Here are some scenes from the day:

On October 29, we stopped by CKO Kickboxing in the Village Plaza on Easton Avenue, which was holding a “Punch-a-Thon” fundraiser for the Sister 2 Sister Network:

Some more scenes from that event:

Later that day, we went to the “Halloween on Hamilton” party:

The day was capped off by yet another Halloween Party, this one at the Franklin Township Youth Center on Lewis Street:

Some more scenes from that party:

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