
2016 Trails Advisory Photo Contest Winners Announced

Navjot Singh, a triple winner in the 2016 Trails Advisory Committee photo contest, talks about his photographs at the Sept. 14 meeting.

Winners of the 2016 Trails Advisory Committee Photo Contest were announced at the Sept. 14 meeting.

The winners were Navajo Singh, Jennifer Tuck, Santiago Caasi and Kathy Bland.

The winning pictures are included in the 2017 Trails calendar, which can be seen here.

Judges had to pick from 39 entries, a job that committee chairwoman Nancy Cole said was not easy.

“It is just so hard to pick the photographs because they are all so beautiful,” she said.

Committee member Mark Fortin noted that when the contest started there weren’t submissions representing each of the township’s trails.

“Now, we’re delighted at the level of competition,” he said.

The calendar, Cole said, is “just an incredible endeavor. There’s no better way to protect preserved open space than through pictures.”

“People are shocked that these places are here, and they’re free,” she said. “I’m just blown away by the beauty of this calendar.”

Several winners  – Caasi, Tuck and Singh – were awarded their certificates and hats at the meeting. The three each talked a bit about their winning photos.

All of the entries in this year’s competition can be seen here.

The calendars, which cost $10, go on sale Sept. 24 and can be purchased at the Township Clerk’s Office, 475 DeMott Lane.


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