
Township Council Honors Nigerians On Country’s Independence Anniversary

Township Councilman Charles Onyejiaka (D-Ward 3) reads a proclamation honoring Nigerians in the township at the Oct. 23 council meeting.

Franklin’s Nigerian population was honored by the Township Council on the occasion of the 58th anniversary of Nigerian independence.

The council at its Oct 23 meeting presented a proclamation to the township’s West African Community organization, commending it “through its Chairman, Ambassador Foday Mansaray for their continued efforts and Commitment in promoting sovereignty by cultural diversity programs in Franklin Township” and commemorating Nigeria’s independence anniversary.

The council also presented commendations to Dr. Noel O. Ilogu, Arch Oliver Chukwuma, Chief Neb Ocha Azu, John Okoye, Prince Daniel Akande, Dr. Babs Omolola and Mabel Arinzeh “for the hard work, dedication and contributions in promoting the township’s aspiration of unity in diversity that has brought economic benefit, health and civic education to all residents of Franklin Township.”

“On behalf of the Nigerians standing here, Nigerians in Franklin Township at large, and the whole nation of Nigeria, I want to thank you for remembering and honoring us today,” Okoye told the council.

“We make up a good chunk of the African population in Franklin Township, permeating all aspects of life here,” he said. “We raise children who become good citizens.  We’ve been participating and doing the best we can to be good citizens here.”

“We will continue to contribute to the great township here,” Okoye said. “We want to make sure we are part of Franklin Strong.”


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