More than 130 students, staff and parents of Franklin Middle School celebrated the school’s many cultures at the annual Multicultural Dinner Night.
Organized by Spanish teachers Paola Kushi and Fanny Olarte, the night featured food that was prepared by parents and teachers and donated by local restaurants Sophie’s Bistro and Moe’s Southwest Grill, as well as some performances by middle school students.
“Everybody can try a little bit of every culture through a dish,” Olarte said.
Kushi said the variety of food included Spanish, Sierra Leonian, Indian and Mexican.
“We have desserts, too,” she said.
There was also a DJ on hand to play music from different cultures.
Among the performances, Kushi said, were Filipino students singing in Tagalog, a student performing an African dance and students reading on other languages, such as Turkish.
Olarte said the school’s Diversity Club did the bulk of the work for the evening.