FLEMINGTON – The Flemington Car & Truck Country Family of Brands donated $200 each to the Parent-Teacher Organizations of MacAfee Road and the soon-to-be-opened Claremont elementary schools on May 18.
The donations were made by Steve Kalafer, the dealership’s founding chairman.
The donations were made as part of a promotional program run by Flemington Car & Truck Country, located at 215 Route 202/31, in conjunction with the Franklin Reporter & Advocate. Any purchase or lease of a new or used car by a township resident at any of the Flemington Car & Truck Country dealerships will qualify for a $200 donation to the PTO of the resident’s choice.
These two donations were made possible by car purchases made by FR&A co-publishers PJ Parker and Bill Bowman.
On hand to receive the donations were MacAfee Road principal Bill Grippo, Dan Bocchino, the president of the MacAfee Road PTO and Nicole Sury Bevere, principal of Claremont Road Elementary School.
The FR&A live-streamed the check presentation: