Schools Superintendent John Ravally is currently in isolation, following a Covid-19 diagnosis earlier this week.
Ravally made the announcement of his illness via telephone during the April 28 Board of Education meeting.
In a text message, Ravally said that he had “mild symptoms which started (April 26), but thankfully I feel good now.”
Ravally said that he has been cleared to return to work on May 2, but he will have to wear a mask for the five days following, “same rules as rest of staff.”
Ravally said he did not think he contracted the virus in a school or the Board office.
“Since we were not in school last week and I had vacation days, likely not contracted in a school or the board office,” Ravally texted.
Still, two other staff members in the Board office “are needing to quarantine and test negative on Day 5 before returning next week,” he texted.
Ravally said they two staff members are in quarantine after being exposed to him.