A 792-square-foort memorial to Pres. John F. Kennedy at a strip shopping plaza on John F. Kennedy Boulevard was approved January 15 by the Planning Board.
The memorial will feature a 9-foot-tall statue of Kennedy and his son, John, Jr. – which will face toward JFK Boulevard – and interactive screens detailing Kennedy’s life. The screens will face toward the retail center’s parking lot.
There will also be a flagpole installed at the site.
Board members required some conditions to the project, including that the sidewalk and pavement area around the statue be cleaned up, and a water line that appears to run under the memorial area be relocated if necessary.
The property is owned by David Rubin’s company, Two JFK Plaza, and it is he who would install the memorial.
Rubin has said that he was approached by former Township Councilman Rajiv Prasad about installing the memorial on his property. Rubin said it was “an honor” to have the memorial at the site.
Part of the target area has a steep slope that may require a retaining wall to hold a platform to stabilize teh memorial, project engineer Vajira Gunawardana told teh board. He said the wall would be made of decorative blocks and would not be more than five feet tall.