
In Your Opinion: High Hopes For Board Of Education’s Long-Range Facility Plan

By Richard Seamon.

I was pleased to learn recently that the Franklin Township Board of Education is finalizing the Update to the District Long-Range Facilities Plan (LRFP). During my final year serving on the BOE in 2018, we started this update by choosing an A/E firm, developing an overall plan for identifying District infrastructure needs and starting the process of inspecting facilities and discussing needs with various Administrators. I understand this update may be presented to the BOE and public at the June 2019 BOE meeting.

In my 10-plus years serving on the Franklin Township Board of Education, understanding our facility needs and working with all stakeholders to ensure these needs were met was a primary concern of mine. I served on the Facilities and Transportation Committee during my entire tenure; I was Chair of that committee for about four years. Proactive management of these facilities should always be of paramount concern to the BOE and District Administration.

With the recent completion of the $84 million One Less Move building program, many of the items identified in the 2011 LRFP have been satisfied. However, not everything could be addressed, and certainly new items have materialized in the last seven years. One significant change is that the District is taking possession of multiple buildings at the former Consolata Missionaries property and will be vacating the Middlebush School. It should be noted that the 2011 LRFP includes a discussion of vacating the Middlebush School given its numerous challenges – Another District Goal achieved by the BOE!

I hope that this updated LRFP addresses a number of items that we discussed over the years including a complete overhaul of the auditorium/theater and re-imagining the use for a number of idle classrooms at FMS – Hamilton Street Campus, re-purposing the property behind the Claremont School for township recreation needs, addressing equity at the two middle school campuses related to environmental sciences (greenhouses), continued efforts to re-purpose / sell the temporary classrooms and replacing the turf field at FHS. Along with the major renovations on the future BOE offices at Consolata, I believe these are the largest, most pressing facility needs of the District.

I hope all community members will attend the BOE meeting where this plan is presented – keep an eye on the District website for details! Seeing this current Board continuing the positive stewardship of these community facilities is very gratifying. I thank schools Superintendent John Ravally, District staff and all members of the BOE for all that they do for all the children of Franklin Township.

Richard Seamon is a former Board of Education member.

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