
Franklin Park School’s 4th Graders Study Immigration


All aspects of immigration were covered Feb. 13 in a special program presented by the Franklin Park School’s 4th Graders.

Students in the six classes were broken up into teams, each of which concentrated one on issue related to immigration.

The students researched their topics both by reading about them and by interviewing immigrants to this country, said 4th Grade teacher Kyla Pilgrim, one of the event’s organizers.

“We decided that the children could learn more through interaction, so we decided to take our classes, mix them together so the kids got a chance to work with other students,” she said.

“The focus was to get them to see how to learn about history and information through research, not just through non-fiction reading but also through watching videos and teach them to interview someone and gather that information, organize it and then put it together in the form of a presentation,” Pilgrim said.

The students covered topics such as immigration law, what new immigrants had to go through at Ellis Island, the primary countries from which immigrants come, and the main reasons why immigrants come to the United States.

The students presented their findings through PowerPoint presentations, which they also created Pilgrim said.

Following the presentations, the students displayed posters they’d created highlighting different immigration-related topics.

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