
Busy Holiday Saturday With Sales, Santa Pics With Pets

The “Santa Paws” fundraiser for Second Chance for Animals will continue from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 10 at Sampson G. Smith School.


The holidays are popping up all over the township.

Sales were the main topic on Dec. 3, with several organizations – the Griggstown Historical Society, the Millstone Valley Preservation Coalition and St. Matthias Home School Association – offering wares for those early shoppers.

The old Griggstown Schoolhouse on Canal Road was the site for the “Greens and Goodies” sale by the Griggstown and Millstone organizations. Holly, pine and boxwood decorations as well as baked goods were for sale, as were historical DVDs of the area.

Susan Stelmach, a GHS board member, and Barbara Ten Broeck from the MVPC were among those on hand for the sale.

Stelmach said the two groups decided to join forces for the sale last year “because we all promote the same thing.”

At St. Matthias School on John F. Kennedy Boulevard, the Home School Association was holding its 30th annual holiday craft fair.

Georgette Macrina, the events chairwoman, said there were about 45 vendors and a steady stream of customers.

Guests were also treated to “Selfies with Santa,” food, raffles, a toy tricky tray and a performance by the Milltown-based First Position dance school students.

Finally, over at Sampson G. Smith School on Amwell Road, there was a lot of barking going on during the first of two “Santa Paws” fundraisers for Second Chance for Animals, the organization that funds the Franklin Township Animal Shelter.

It wasn’t just dogs who wanted to pose for a picture with the Jolly One; at least one snake could be seen in the queue waiting their turn.

For $20, pet parents could purchase two 4×6 digital photos, or a complete set of pictures taken on a CD or USB drive.

The second “Santa Paws” event is set for 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 10 at the school.


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