
In Your Opinion: Vote Dars Ward 3 To Stop The Damage

By Andrew Dars.

Coincidence how this approval was jammed through prior to the next week’s general election, as 3rd Ward candidate, whose position was from day one to slow down our runaway construction to the best of my ability and resources available to me, i.e. Green Acres or rezoning or maybe a land swap to a more appropriate location.  

I’m not an engineer but I know a bunch and I also spoke with most farmers in my ward. This is what I learned. 

  1. The ground is so over saturated that any more large-scale building in immediate surroundings will most likely cause great harm to their crops, feed, and livelihood unless they don’t outlay the costs  to re-drain their fields. Money they don’t really have. Do it now … they have to sell 
  2. The farmers and residents alike feel cheated and lied to as just last week every single incumbent Democrat appeared on Meet the Candidates and each one expressed agreement with my position on seeking ways to limit over building. 
    Let’s be clear …. this included your incumbent 3rd Ward Councilman Charlie and obviously… they all were full of balcony, as the song san,g “Here we are again!!! 
  3. ,This issue has nothing to do with it being a place of worship. It could be an Applebee’s, Walmart, a  supermarket or maybe another half-dozen corporate gas stations we don’t need that are currently driving our independent guys to bankruptcy. We’re talking building size vs  infrastructure. Guess who’s losing. 
  4. No wonder there has been so so many boisterous open space and planning board guys writing columns sounding like quotes from  Kevin Bacon in Animal House” before the flood of people descend on him: “All is Well, all is well, no need to panic, all is well. Squish Don’t vote for Andrew D, he might shed some transparency — on how we’re spending your tax money. Vote for Charlie he missed most meetings and doesn’t ask a lot of questions anyway 

Residents of Ward 3. If you are against what they’re pulling then you can stop the damage before it’s too late. November 2 Andrew Dars.

OK here is the big finish: YES I am an ultra ultra moderate Republican who shares almost zero common ground with Franklin GOP. I personally would also endorse anyone Trump calls a RINO Rep on name only any day 

I stand with Christine Todd Whitman in this regard.

But in the end whether you vote Rep or Dem  or for any 3rd tier, less-popular party, it’s all totally irrelevant if our town goes under and is federally condemned by a drowning infrastructure and environmental poisoning which is the road we’re most likely heading on.

Also keep in mind the Republicans have not had any sense of power in this town in almost 20 years and I’m  pretty sure I was the last non-Democrat appointed to any board in over a decade. The point is if you don’t like it, it’s hard to blame any other party for this.

This race will be decided by the independent free thinkers as to me they are the ones with common sense. To them and any other voters, should I earn your confidence. I won’t fail you!!! I’m Andrew Dars Ward 3, Always accessible and always accountable!!!

Your Thoughts


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