The township’s more than 300 Girl Scouts and adult volunteers were acknowledged with a mayoral proclamation at the March 11 Township Council session.
Members of Girl Scout Unit 67presented an honor guard and led the council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at the meeting’s start.
The proclamation reads:
WHEREAS, March 9-15, 2014 marks Girl Scout Week as designated by Girl Scouts of the USA, a movement founded in 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia; and
WHEREAS, throughout its long and distinguished history, Girl Scouting has inspired more than 50 million girls and women to strive for the highest ideals of courage, confidence and character; and
WHEREAS, through Girl Scouts, girls grow strong, gain self-confidence, develop leadership skills and learn the lifelong lesson of contributing back to their communities; and
WHEREAS, Girl Scouting helps girls achieve their potential by increasing awareness of opportunities which exist in the fields of math, science, sports, technology and other professional pursuits; and
WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey was formed in 2008 and is capably delivering the optimal Girl Scout experience to over 28,000 young women and adults in Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Somerset, Union and Warren counties; and
WHEREAS, more than 3.8 million Girl Scouts nationwide, including in excess of 100,000 in the State of New Jersey, join in celebrating and rejoicing in this great American tradition,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, BRIAN D. LEVINE, MAYOR of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council, do hereby proclaim March 9-15, 2014 as
“G I R L S C O U T W E E K”
in the Township of Franklin, and call upon all citizens of the Township of Franklin to recognize and support the contributions made by Girl Scouts and adult volunteers toward improving the quality of life in our community.