
Franklin Township Library’s March Event Schedule Released

Most programs require advance registration and take place at DeMott Lane location, unless otherwise noted

The AARP will be providing tax preparation assistance to individuals on weekdays at the Library during the months of February, March & April. Assistance is by appointment only, and inquiries should be directed to the AARP directly. Appointment preference will be given to the elderly and individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The contact number for appointments is (908) 541-5710.

Mondays, March 17, 24 & 31—5-6PM: Beginner Yoga
Shanti Manifase will guide participants through an introductory ADULT yoga session. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a towel or mat. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. Registration opens on the previous Monday.

Mondays, March 17, 24 & 31—6:30-8:30PM: Adult Chess Club
Open play available to intermediate through advanced level players; registration is not required. ADULTS ONLY

Wednesday, March 19, 7-8:30PM: Job Search—Interviewing for Success
Presenter Nancy Anderson focuses on the three major types of interviews; the networking, telephone, and face-to-face interviews. Participants will practice an interview and develop behavioral examples of their job skills.

Thursday, March 20, 7-8:30PM: Writers’ Group (Monthly; Third Thursdays)
Monthly writers’ group meeting. New members are always welcome. No registration required.

Monday, March 24, 7-8:30PM: Exploring the Spring Night Sky
Paul Cirillo returns to share techniques for beginner astronomers to understand the spring night sky and identify constellations, planets, and more. This talk is geared for adults, but is suitable for children grade 4 and above.

Wednesday, March 26, 7-8:30PM: Does Your Business Plan Make Sense?
Combining the best elements of the most important part of the business plan, the marketing component and the finance component, this S.C.O.R.E. seminar walks you through the steps involved in producing a successful business plan.

Friday, March 28, 2-4PM: Movie—Nebraska
This Academy Award nominated black and white road trip drama stars Bruce Dern as a tempestuous Missouri father who’s convinced he’s won a million dollar magazine sweepstakes, and Will Forte as the son who grudgingly agrees to drive him to Nebraska to claim his winnings. Rated R for some language; 110 minutes.

Sunday, March 30, 1:30-3:30PM: Spring Into Poetry (FTCAC)
Poets Daniel Harris and Elizabeth Pallito will present their work followed by a question and answer session. Registration is requested, as refreshments will be served. Please email Franklin Township Cultural Arts Council committee chairperson Alvin Levine at AlvinPLevine@gmail.com to reserve your place.


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