
FR&A Pictorial: Boy Scout Troop 154 Adds One More To Eagle Scout Roll

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Boy Scout Troop 154’s newest Eagle Scout, Adam Timari, center, flanked by parents Mark and Janet Timari.

You can add Adam Timari’s name to the growing list of Eagle Scouts from Boy Scout Troop 154.

Timari’s Court of Honor, the ceremonial procedure Scouts use to confer the Eagle Scout rank, was held May 10 at the Community/Senior Center of DeMott Lane.

The event was attended by Timari’s fellow scouts, friends, family, representatives from is school and other invited guests.

Troop 154 is sponsored by the Franklin Township PBA Local 154.

Timari’s Eagle rank project was a restoration around the grounds of Somerset Presbyterian Church on Franklin Boulevard. He made the area handicapped accessible by adding a 75-foot paver walkway, he painted columns, edged and mulched the area and built a wooden cross for the church.

The church’s Gigi Hansen said at the event that Timari “has been a great help with many projects around our facility.”

The cross, she said, “is an inspiration to all of us.”

Cynthia Chattin, a staff member at Timari’s school, said Timari “takes a lot of attention to detail, he’s very careful, very conscientious and everything he does, he is a wonderful friend to everyone; he’s kind, if ever there’s something that needs to be done, he’s the first person who offers to help out.”

“I am so privileged and proud to be a part of Adam;s family away from home,” she said.

Janet Timari, Adam’s mother, told her son that attaining Eagle Scout “is not the end of a journey, but rather the continuation of all that scouting has taught you. You should continue to do a good turn daily.”

“Be prepared to help and lift others to a better way of living and to make a difference in all that you do,” she said.

Mark Timari, Adam’s father and his Scout Master, continued his tradition of presenting the new Eagle Scout with a wooden plaque engraved with his name and rank.

Timari thanked his scout mentors and his parents, presenting his father with an engraved replica of a Norman Rockwell painting on Scouting.

Timari said his father was his mentor in scouting as well as life.

Adam Timari’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor 5-10-14



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