Reginald O. Davenport has resigned as principal of Franklin Middle School.
The resignation was effective April 3. Nick Solomon, the Sampson G. Smith vice-principal, has been named interim FMS principal.
Davenport’s resignation letter cited “personal and health reasons,” district spokeswoman Mary Clark said in an email statement.
“In the interim, as is standard operating procedure when a principal is out of the district for a prolonged period of time, other experienced building administrators are responsible for the school,” she said in the statement. “In this case, Mr. Nicholas Solomon, current SGS Vice-Principal, has been asked to step in as FMS Acting Principal and assist Ms. Karen Adams and Ms. Torrie Hurd in managing the Franklin Middle School daily operations until the Board of Education formally appoints an interim principal at its April 27th Board of Education meeting.”
Davenport first came to the district in late 2015, when he was named interim FMS principal. Prior to that, he was principal of the Maxson Middle School in Plainfield, from about 2012 to June of 2015.