
Creative Trees And Wreaths Sought for Festival of Trees at EEC

Tree Festival 2013
The 39th Festival of Trees is seeking individuals and groups to create holiday decorations for display at the Environmental Education Center in December. Photo: Somerset County Park Commission.

Somerset County Park Commission Naturalists are looking for individuals, local and civic groups, clubs, businesses, scout troops, and others to design, decorate, and submit a tree for the month-long holiday display.

The Park Commission Environmental Education Center will present Somerset County’s most creative and beautiful winter spectacular, the 39th Annual Festival of Trees, from Friday, December 2 through Wednesday, December 28, 2016.

The Environmental Education Center is located at 190 Lord Stirling Road in Basking Ridge. The exhibit will be open daily from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. except Friday, December 23, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

Also scheduled is live holiday music and the Snowflake Café on Saturdays and Sundays

Applications are available by email at mjuhasz@scparks.org or regular mail to 190 Lord Stirling Road, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Deadline for entry is Tuesday, November 22, 2016.

Both professional and amateur performers are also invited to participate. For information on volunteering, call the Environmental Education Center at 908-766-2489.

For information contact the Environmental Education Center at 908-766-2489 or NJ Relay at 711 for individuals with a hearing or speech impairment.

Information on this event and other Somerset County Park Commission activities may be found on the Internet at www.somersetcountyparks.org.

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