
Councilwoman Pruitt Named A ‘Top Influencer’ By Business Publication

Township Councilwoman Crystal Pruitt (D-At Large) has another statewide recognition to add to her resume: person of color influencer.

The recognition came in the pages of the September edition of ROI, a publication that covers business issues in the state.

Pruitt is the external affairs lead for the Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind company.

Prior to that, the magazine notes, “Pruitt was the deputy director in the clean energy division of the N.J. Board of Public Utilities and ran the Office of Clean Energy Equity. This office, created in 2020, was the first of its kind.”

This is not the first time Pruitt, whose term ends in December and who is not seeking re-election, has received statewide notice.

In October 2020, she was named to InsiderNJ’s Insider 100 Millennials List.

In February 2022 and February 2023, she was included in InsiderNJ’s African-American Power List.

Pruitt was selected in January 2019 to fill the unexpired term of Shanel Robinson, who left the Council when she was elected to the then-Somerset County Freeholders.

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