I was not going to reply, but Januarys are so long and boring without my work wife Terri Seggio, so I have nothing else to think about. Thanks COVID.
First, I would never tell you, you are wrong. I hold you in high regard because you take the time to understand the players and the topic. That has been proven. Over many years. Still, I read your letter and had the same thought I have watching the Charmin Bear toilet paper commercial…”is the necessary?” At least you did not say “get off my lawn”. Better yet, to quote job Biden, “c’mon man!!
I am sorry if some of my comments were too direct. Maybe I was listening too closely. I am not in your league, but I have no issues criticizing council when need be. It is only fair to comment when I don’t think they did anything wrong.
I think you thought I was advocating for the park. I was not. I was talking about the process. I was disappointed that the Editor did not take the time to point out that this is the process. He pushed the point that government should listen to the people. He should have also pointed out that people have many chances to communicate before, maybe then the ideas brought forth will be better. WIMBY, you might say.
All the Best, Happy New Year. Next Topic!!!