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Central Jersey College Prep continues its excellence in offering strong academic services for its students. This year again CJCP earned “Tier 1 School” status from New Jersey Department of Education. The percent of total points a charter school earns on an Academic Performance Framework determines its Tier Rank for that academic program. To receive a Tier Rank 1, the highest possible rank, a charter school must earn at least 65 percent of the points possible. Charter schools that earn 35-64.9 percent of points possible are classified as Tier Rank 2, or middle performing. When receiving a Tier Rank 3, the lowest possible rank, a charter school has earned fewer than 35 percent of all points possible. CJCP earned 89.1 percent, one of the highest scores in the state.
Congratulations to students and staff for this great accomplishment!
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
CJCP’s success is the result of a great team work of administration, staff, students, and parents:
The Chief Education Officer and the administrative team communicate constantly, and develop strategic plans to serve the mission of the school. The team also communicates with parents to keep them up to date. Interactive website, social media connections, e-mails and weekly newsletters support constant contact between school and the parents.
The guidance counselors work very active with their open door policy to address student socio-emotional health and academic progress as well as to foster the school’s college prep culture. The counselors provide individual support for CJCP students. High school students obtain assistance in career orientation, course selection, college visits, and college admission process.
CJCP has a tech-savvy, hard-working, and dedicated teachers to support student achievement. Teachers communicate high expectations for the success of all students and a belief that all students can succeed. CJCP has a diverse student body which allows each student to embrace the differences, and be ready to collaborate, and learn new things each and every day. Students are motivated to participate and do their best when their teacher is nurturing and caring them here at CJCP.
Parents are taking an active part in their child’s education life. CJCP’s Parent Teacher Student Organization works throughout the year. With the mission to bring of students together, PTSO organizes events, creates activities, and helps students and families in need.
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie