
Quail Brook Senior Center Offers ‘Gentle Yoga’ In May And June

The Quail Brook Senior Center at 625 New Brunswick Rd. is offering a “Gentle Yoga” class for people aged 60 and over.

This eight-week class will run from 1:30-2:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, May 5, 12, 19, 26 and June 2, 9, 16 and 23. Advanced registration is required by Tuesday, April 28, and the cost of the eight-week session is $40, according to a press release on the program.

Open to all levels of practice and abilities, Gentle Yoga focuses on an exploration of basic yoga poses, attention to breathing, alignment and mindfulness. Attendees will learn techniques to gain flexibility and strength while enjoying a slow, relaxing pace. This class will primarily involve seated exercises with the option to explore standing poses to improve balance and strength. Each class will include periods of stretching, meditation and deep relaxation.

The instructor is Shanti Manifase, Registered Yoga Teacher 500 and Therapeutic Yoga Teacher. She has been registered with the Yoga Alliance since 2008 and has been practicing yoga for more than 10 years.

For more information or to register, contact Office on Aging and Disability Services Health Promotion Specialist Caitlin Witucki at (908) 704-6339 or Witucki@co.somerset.nj.us.

The Quail Brook Senior Center is one of seven centers operated by the Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services.


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