
Two-Building, 77-Unit Apartment Complex Approved For Hamilton Street

Artist’s rendering of the facade of one of teh two buildings in the newly approved apartment complex.

The rebirth of Hamilton Street continued June 6, with the Zoning Board of Adjustment approval of a plan for a two-building apartment complex that will hold 77 units.

The project is targeted for lots on Hamilton on either side of Pershing Avenue.

A parking lot will also be built across Victor Street from one building, along Pershing and abutting Mark Street.

The apartment split will be 50 1-bedroom units and 27 2-bedroom units, said Kurt Ludwig, the project’s architect. The 1-bedroom apartments will be about 875 square feet, while the 2-bedrooms will range from 1,025 square feet to 1,300 square feet, he said.

Both buildings will be four stories tall, the board was told. Only one of the buildings will have retail on the first floor; the second building’s first floor facade will echo that of the retail so the look is consistent.

The parking lot will accommodate 147 parking spaces; 144 are required for the residential aspect of the project.

The commercial part of the project requires 12 parking spaces, said Michael Ford, the project’s engineer. He said the developer will pay into a parking fund for the excess parking requirement.

Vince Dominach, the township Economic Development Director and Hamilton Street Advisory Board Executive Director, said the board’s zoning committee endorsed the project.

Regulations in the Hamilton Street Business District zone, into which this project falls, require retail on the first floor for frontage along Hamilton Street. Dominach said he encouraged teh developer to keep the retail in one building only.

“We have that requirement that we have commercial on the frontage,” he said. “We’re taking another look at that because anyone can go up and down the street and see that there is a lot of commercial that is not rented.”

“We didn’t want to provide another 10,000 square feet of commercial at this time,” Dominach said. “That doesn’t mean that 5 to 10 years from now we may want everyone to do that again.”

A Pershing Avenue resident complained about a proposed sidewalk being installed on her street, in front of her house. She said she did not have anyone to shovel the snow in the winter. Her objection subsided when the developer promised to have her sidewalk shoveled.

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