
Township Resident Named Trustee Of Rutgers Business School Alumni Association

Township resident Kenneth Hitchner has been appointed a trustee of the Rutgers Business School Alumni Association.

A township resident has been appointed a trustee of the Rutgers Business School Alumni Association (RBSAA).

Kenneth Hitchner, manager of public relations and social media at Creative Marketing Alliance (CMA), a full-service marketing firm located in Princeton Junction, will join the board as co-chairman of the communications committee.

In his new position, Hitchner will advise RBSAA on strategic brand matters and build awareness for the 501c(3) nonprofit through media relations and social media channels, according to a press release on the appointment.

“I am very proud that Ken will continue a long-standing tradition of giving back at our corporation,” CMA President and CEO Jeffrey Barnhart said in the release. “As the leader for our public relations and social media unit, he knows how to build reputation and relationships that serves our clients well.”

“I recruited Ken for the position because I am familiar with his work building audience online,” RBSAA President Michael Christiaens said in the release. “We always need expertise that can foster relationships and advance the brand for our alumni association.”

At CMA, Hitchner manages a team of public relations/social media account executives and devises strategic communications plans that protect and promote brands by building relationships. He also serves as managing editor for print and digital magazines, such as IMARK NOW (IMARK Group) and Today’s Lighting Distributor (National Association of Independent Lighting Distributors) in the electrical and lighting industry and The Plumbing Advocate (Equity Plumbing).

Prior to joining CMA last year, Hitchner was the chief content officer (Executive Director) at Professional Service Group of Central New Jersey (PSGCNJ), which is a 501c(3) nonprofit that puts downsized professionals back into the workforce.

In 2013, Rutgers University Alumni Association recognized Hitchner with the Edward J. Bloustein award for community service outside the university by a Rutgers alumnus. The following year, Hitchner’s Instagram campaign drew an invitation from President Obama’s Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez, who invited him to join a roundtable discussion in Washington D.C. about how to remedy long-term unemployment in the United States.

Hitchner has also served as spokesman at NJ Transit and deputy press secretary for N.J. Governor Richard Codey. He started his career as a journalist and editor with Thomson Financial and Gannett Co.

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