
Taxes At Work: School Board Approves Contracts, Construction Project Change Orders

The Board of Education at its Sept. 28 meeting approved a number of contracts for the current school year.

The board approved:

  • A $12,460 “as needed” contract with SHOOP SBA, of Fairfield to provide business office consultant services, to complete the transition of the full-time Assistant Superintendent for Business, from Aug. 22 to Oct. 31. The rate of compensation is $89.00 per hour, not to exceed 140 hours.
  • A $1,995 contract with Apple Computer, Inc. and a $13,629.42 contract with CDWG for technology supplies for St. Matthias School through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey.
  • A $36,000 contract for professional development for Cultural Awareness Training for district administrative, teaching and support staff delivered by National Cultural Awareness trainer, Robert Jackson.
  • A $14,500 contract with LLAMAME, LLC (Language & Literacy Associates for Multilingual and Multicultural Education, LLC), Piscataway, to provide Sheltered Instruction and ELL Professional Development workshops for the 2017-18 school year, and a $3,800 contract with LLAMAME, LLC to provide high quality workshops on Sheltered Instruction through Next Generation Science Standard.
  • A $12,475 contract with Pearson to provide ILIT Digital Courseware license subscriptions and related webinar training for the 2017-2018 school year.
  • A $24,919 contract with Aspire High Youth Development, Inc. to provide Youth Development and Mentorship programs for students at Franklin Middle School.
  • A $9,200 contract with Learning A-Z for the purchase of RAZ-Kids, Reading A-Z, Vocabulary A-Z and ELL Edition site licenses for Elizabeth Avenue School and Pine Grove Manor School.
  • A $5,187.87 contract with CDWG and a $2,691 contract with Apple, Inc. for the purchase of technology supplies for Cedar Hill Prep School, using non-public funding through the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey.
  • A $2,000 contract with Flocabulary for the purchase of site licenses.
  • A $25,200 professional services contract to DMR Architects of Hasbrouck Heights for the firm to develop an athletic facilities master plan for Franklin Middle School. The contract’s term is from October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.
  • A $1,650 renewal agreement with WeatherWorks, Hackettstown, for the 2017-2018 year to provide weather forecasts, alerts and consultation.
  • A $13,960 contract with Education Logistics Inc., Missoula, MT, to provide services and support for the Edulog Transportation System.
  • A $1,106 contract with Prevention Specialists Inc., from July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 for DOT random drug and alcohol testing for the Transportation bus drivers.
  • A $384,000 cooperative purchasing contract for Cellular Services with Verizon Wireless.
  • A $299,000 contract between Somerset County Educational Services Commission and Franklin Township Board of Education for Somerset County Secondary Academy Alternative Academic Program (General Education) for the school year 2017-2018.

The board also revised a number of transportation contracts to reflect increased fees, including:

  • Somerset Educational Services Commission, to $264,706 from $132,706.
  • First Student, Inc to $363,067 from $480,781.80
  • First Group of America to $285,327 from $288,576.
  • First Student, Inc. to $389,037 from $449,708.40.
  • Montauk Transit Services to $5,138,315 from $5,190,605.64.

Finally, the board also approved the following change orders:

  • $1,990.75 to prep and paint radiators in the Sampson G. Smith cafeteria, bringing the total contract to $854,881.49.
  • $6,929.80 to furnish and install metal stud wall framing to enclose overhead door framing (columns and header) in the SGS kitchen. Also, a chain lock box and switch cover for the security / safety of students, bringing the total contract to $861,851.29.
  • $32,811 for five change orders to the Elizabeth Avenue School alterations project, bringing the total contract to $12,152,220.29.
  • A $1,498 reduction in the SGS corridor ceiling replacement project, bringing the total contract to $119,962.
  • A $65,586 reduction in the Franklin Middle School parking lot project, bringing the total contract to $,082,113.
  • A $12,949.92 increase to the Pine Grove manor School elevator project, bringing the total contract to $695,949.92.
  • A $2,829 increase to the SGS additions and alterations project, bringing the total contract to $10,614,029.
  • A $26,573 increase to the SGS additions and alterations project bringing the total contract to $10,634,422.


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