
Somerset County Employees Volunteer In Township

Rita Donald of the county Office of Volunteer Services gives Parkside Senior Housing resident Carolyn Smith some tips on using her smartphone. Photo: Somerset County S.E.R.V.

Submitted by Somerset County S.E.R.V.

A new program called the Somerset County Employee Reserve Volunteers, or S.E.R.V., recently held its first two community service days at sites around Somerset County. More than 40 county employees volunteered for various activities on Oct. 27 and 29.

Service projects and locations included teaching technology skills to seniors at Parkside Senior Housing in Franklin; discussing career opportunities and county programs for young people at Middle Earth in Bound Brook; a job-skills and resume-building discussion at Alternatives’ Franklin House in Franklin; an indoor painting project at Somerset Treatment Services in Somerville; outdoor cleanup and landscaping projects at Alternatives in South Bound Brook, The Learning Gate in Raritan and Agapé House in Somerville; and general outdoor cleanup at Green Acres Park in North Plainfield.

These activities were selected from a call for projects that was sent to community organizations that serve residents of Somerset County, and reflect the interests of county employees who were surveyed during the planning process.

“We are excited about this project, which will give county employees the opportunity to volunteer in the community, build camaraderie and increase employee engagement,” said Freeholder Director Patricia Walsh.  “At the same time, S.E.R.V. will support our non-profit community partners and perhaps most importantly, provide a tremendous benefit to county residents.”

If you would like the S.E.R.V. program to consider a project at your agency at some point in the future, email your request to serv@co.somerset.nj.us.


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