
In Your Opinion: Willow Park Letter Writer Responds To Comments

By Arnold Schmidt.

To Jim Johnstone:  You referred to an FR&A article “dated as recently as 9/23/2019” about this park plan.  I proposed that we wait to see the actual 2021 plan before forming an opinion on the park. We agree that Franklin is overdeveloped, but we need parks to accommodate our growing population.  The Open Space Advisory Committee does everything we can to help purchase land to keep it away from developers.    

To my friend Guy Catapano: As far as I know this is not a “typical done deal”.  When the Council provides us with their proposed plan it should be transparent and ready for public comments.  

To Pat Reilly: 1) If a traffic study indicates there will be an increase in accidents because of this park, than I agree this could be a bad place for a park.  Two other people commented on the traffic issue in their online responses.  2) I don’t see the correlation between the park and more garbage on New Brunswick Road.  Much of the trash on NBR is likely from people throwing it out of their car windows.  There will be garbage cans at the park.  3) You may be right about it being time for me to retire from some committees, but I haven’t seen anybody knocking down doors to get appointed.  We have had an opening on the Shade Tree Commission for over a year.  We currently have an opening on the Environmental Commission and there is usually someone new on the Open Space Advisory Committee every year.  You can submit your application via the Township website.  If you have better qualifications than other applicants you will likely be appointed. 

To All: As you well know being active in the community, whether an elected or appointed position, requires time and effort.  Showing up several times a month to participate in committee and sub-committee meetings, site visits, as well as doing after meeting work including, research, writing letters and resolutions, drafting proposed township ordinances or additions to existing ordinances and much more to prepare for each meeting is routine if you take your volunteer position seriously.  

I am proud to serve with my fellow committee members as advisors to the Township Council.  In my experience these are all hard working concerned citizens, many if not most with professional backgrounds related to the committees on which they serve.  Together we strive to help make Franklin a better place for everyone to live.

Your Thoughts


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