
In Your Opinion: ‘Peace and Nonviolence’ Park Not Needed

By Charmil Y. Davis.

My parents bought their very first house in Franklin Township in August, 1980.

After purchasing the house after my parents passed in 2005, I kept the house 10 years after (tax payer). I was schooled in Franklin, as were my children.

Somerset County has its prestige, and is one of the most diverse communities in NJ. Why are we calling for a “Non Violent Movement” here in our town?

There are areas that struggle with multiple waves of violence … Plainfield, New Brunswick, Newark, Trenton, etc.
What is the big deal? Why are we inviting this in our town?

TV outside? Our open space is being compromised … We are inviting UNWANTED crowds …

Franklin Township will not just lose its character but we are now trying to make our small family town which was named, “The 5th best place to live” into a city which was once a place for people who just want to enjoy life with their families.

What is the platform? Why did Franklin Township chose to spearhead such a movement when NONE of the dignitaries whose statues are being built have NEVER visited or contributed to the Township.

I stand with ALL council members who oppose this plan and as a community I hope the Great Mayor and council members blow this project OUT of the water and never to reach his desk again!


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