
In Your Opinion: Human Relations Commission Is Not ‘Worthless’

By Gary Rosenthal, Somerset.

I usually do not get involved or comment on political matters as I leave this to our elected officials or the local publications. I have been a loyal subscriber to the Franklin Reporter and have been a resident of Franklin Township since 1969 and my wife, of Blessed Memory, and I have been honored to be active citizens (eg, Past President of Temple Beth El, Alternate Member of Zoning Board, Chairman Human Relations Commission, Former member of Township Economic Committee, Treasurer and Executive Committee Master Board in Renaissance, Vice President of Martin Luther King Foundation, etc.).

As Chairman of the Human Relations Commission I just CANNOT be silent today. I take GREAT exception to part of your words in your “opinion” column where you have reflected the Human Relations Commission (HRC) as “WORTHLESS”. By the way it appears that you have also called the Township Council worthless.

While I will not comment in any way on the both sides of the issue of Township Councilman Rajiv Prasad as each have their own opinion which I respect. However I, along with my very dedicated Commissioners, including two great High School students, have worked too hard in making our township strong. I know how many hours I work every day to make the HRC one of the strongest township commissions.

The HRC has worked very close with our township educators, police, community leaders, (I could go on) to support them. The HRC has participated in all major township events and I have always insured that our monthly meetings have speakers which request our assistance.

In short the HRC does NOT deserve to be labeled worthless and I would hope that you now realize that this term was just uncalled for. I reiterate that the HRC will not get involved with any of the politics. Our mission is to keep our great diversified Township strong.

Gary Rosenthal is Chairman of the township’s Human Relations Commission.


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