
In Your Opinion: Franklin Reporter Not Fair To Councilman Prasad

To the Editor:

I appreciate your work as editor of Franklin Reporter with some reservation.

First thing: personal likes and dislikes have no place in journalism.I spoke in the last Township Council Meeting, but there is no mention in your Franklin Reporter. I find mention of Rob Paterson, Sid Lentz & Skip Schaefer mentioned on Page 2. How could you forget my name & put me aside? Is it not injustice & dishonest?

You find Rajiv Prasad dishonest. May I request you to examine yourself? I also spoke in the last but one Meeting & mailed you my whole speech in writing. You just mentioned a line only and not the real effective part of it. Is it journalism? Maybe you have a dislike for what I say. I will be glad if I am wrong.

I love & appreciate Lord Jesus as much as Lord Krishna. Jesus told the crowd that only that can throw stones to the prostitute who has not done any sin. In Council meetings many continued throwing stones repeatedly. I felt Jesus is in the Bible and was absent in the council.

I just read today that 5 persons shot in some state (I forgot the name). When there is no gun control, President, Congress, Senate, no one ready for gun control. Then what remains to be done is to change the mindset of our people towards peace & nonviolence by such statues/memorial.

Rajiv Prasad wants to do a great thing and irregularity in the procedure if any is negligible as compared to the benefits from the memorial. In literature there is a quote: When the ants go to the temple of gold, they just look for the holes & do not see the beauty of the temple.

Under your editorship, the reports appear like vision of ants. I will be happy if I am wrong. If you are the impartial journalist you may print my email. I  am your well-wisher, your friend and seeker of truth. In My childhood I saw & heard Mahatma Gandhi. His thoughts have influenced my life and thinking. His Birthday is celebrated by UNO as International Nonviolence Day.

Chandrakant Desai


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