
Speed Limits On Two Streets To Be Lowered

Changes to speed limits on two streets were introduced by the Township Council at its October 12 meeting.

The speed limit on Pleasant Plains Road will be lowered to 25 miles per hour, and a stretch of Union Street between Church Street and Laurel Avenue will be lowered to 20 miles per hour.

The rest of Union Street will remain 25 miles per hour.

Township Manager Robert Vornlocker said the speed limits were lowered after engineering studies were conducted.

“This is not just some arbitrary decision,” he said.

Vornlocker said that several Kingston residents had asked that the speed limits on several roads be lowered, but the studies only justified lowering that stretch of Union Street.

“The other streets were determined to be appropriate at 25 miles per hour,” he said.

Pleasant Plains Road is currently posted at 35 miles per hour, but, Vornlocker said, it’s more appropriate to be 25 mph.

“I don’t want people to think that we can just randomly lower speed limits, there was a full engineering study done on both of these roads to determine what the appropriate speed limit is,” he said.

The ordinance will have a second reading and final vote at the Council’s November meeting.

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