
School Board Fills New World Languages Supervisor Position

Armando Quiroz was named to the newly created Supervisor of World Languages position at the school board’s March 17 meeting.

The Board of Education on March 17 hired a veteran Spanish teacher to fill its newly created World Languages supervisor position.

Armando Quiroz most recently was the Supervisor of World Languages and ESL for the Summit school system, a position he held since May 2021

Quiroz begins his $103,500 position in Franklin on July 1.

“Throughout my career, I’ve dedicated myself to second language learning, to language acquisition and to furthering proficiency for all students,” Quiroz told the Board after his appointment.

“I’m very excited for what’s in store for the Franklin World Language Program; I’m humbled and very grateful for your confidence and consideration.”

Schools Superintendent John Ravally said that there were “other interested parties” in Quiroz, but that “he chose us.”

“Thank you for choosing us over all those other interested parties.,” he said.

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