
‘Pocket Park’ Planned For Arlington Avenue

arlington park1

A rendering of the planned pocket park on Arlington Avenue.

The township is planning to put a small “pocket park” in a wooded section of Arlington Avenue.

Township Manager Robert Vornlocker told the Recreation Advisory Committee at its March 11 meeting that the park is still in planning stages.

The park, which would be located next to a business, would include a basketball court, a gazebo, and a Tot Lot, he said.

“This would be just a small pocket park in the neighborhood,” he said.

Vornlocker said parking restrictions in the immediate area would naturally limit the park to people in the neighborhood, and would prevent it from becoming a “destination.”

“The purpose of a park like this is to serve the needs of the people in the area, not to make it into a destination park,” he said.

He said the plan now is to “keep as much of the tree line in as possible” to shield the park from nearby homes.

The p[lans are still preliminary, he said, and are not yet ready for a public hearing.

“I’m just showing you this so you can see it,” he told the committee.

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