
Kababery Restaurant Donates Food For Underprivileged Children’s Holiday Party

The Kabobery restaurant on Route 27 in Franklin Park recently donated food for a holiday party for underprivileged children.

A township restaurant recently played a part in making the holidays a little happier for a group of underprivileged children and their families.

About 50 children under the watch of the Children’s Home Society of New Jersey were invited to the party in Trenton. During the day, they were served lunch donated by Mustafa Abdi, owner of The Kababery on Route 27 in Franklin Park.

The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey helps at-risk infants, children, youth, and families achieve their potential and protects abused or neglected infants and children and strives for stable, permanent, and loving homes, according to a press release about the event.

The event was co-sponsored by Muslims for Peace and Stand With Dignity, two organizations with which Abdi is affiliated.

The children were given gifts and specially made, personalized greeting cards that contained quotations from the Quran and the Bible.

The children were also offered face painting, indoor bowling and other games and activities, according to the release.

“One of our volunteers had a Santa suit, so he was Santa Claus,” Abdi said. “So we had a Muslim Santa.”

“We took pictures with Santa, and then printed them out and gave them to each family,” he said.

“We provided food for about 150 people, the kids and their parents,” Abdi said.


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