
Indoor Mask Mandate Rescinded By Township Council

Still in effect in Township buildings; businesses may still impose their own mandates

Mayor Phil Kramer said conditions have improved to the point where the indoor mask mandate in businesses and other venues was no longer needed.

Visitors to township businesses and other venues will no longer be required by the Township to wear a mask against Covid-19.

The Township Council at its January 25 meeting rescinded the mandate that it passed at a special December 28, 2021 meeting.

The mandate only covered public buildings. Businesses who wish to impose their own mask mandates may still do so, and visitors to all Township buildings are still required to wear masks. The rescission also has no affect in the township schools.

Mayor Phil Kramer, the moving force behind the mandate, suggested its rescission at the meeting.

Kramer said he felt confident in recommending the rescission because the numbers of Township residents who are testing positive for coronavirus “are coming down rapidly.”

“We’re almost where we were last year at this time,” he said.

Kramer produced a chart showing that the seven-day and daily coronavirus cases in the township fell from a high close to 200 earlier this year to in the 30s and 50s, respectively, now.

“This doesn’t mean the pandemic is over,” he said. “I still strongly support the use of masks. I, when I am inside, double mask. I recommend that for everybody.”

“I think businesses should require a mask on their own, but I don’t want to use the power of government to induce that,” Kramer said.

The Mayor said he was “glad” the Council imposed the mandate.

“I think we did the right thing,” he said. “Many other towns joined us in it. Hopefully we’re getting near the end of this pandemic. I thank all the residents of Franklin who cooperated with this for their cooperation.”

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