
In Your opinion: LaCorte Letter Set The Right Tone For Campaign Season

By Bill Connell.

My comments in this space usually don’t go beyond the D&R Canal but since it broke its boundaries, so will I. I vacationed in Ohio this summer (yes you can). The difference in lifestyle from Franklin aka NYC area is striking. I started asking myself “who are these people? How do they get through life?” Other than maybe a belief in God, there is no way someone from northern Ohio could have the same perspective as someone from NYC metro.

It’s not a case of right or wrong, red or blue. It’s a case of getting through life. Politicians and news organizations do a horrible job articulating this to the point where its counter-productive. It’s time to do our own thinking. Everything cannot be said with a meme or headline.

That is what has been on my mind all summer, so when I saw Bob LaCorte’s letter regarding political rhetoric and the storm, I was pleased and proud of him for setting the right tone. Thank you Bob for leading by example.

I am a Democratic Committeeman. If you were to ask Ron Jordan, he probably wants to trade me to the Republicans. I have no issue questioning my fellow Democrats on topics because someone has to do it. The Republican party in Franklin is out-numbered. In my amateur view of leadership, drinking your own bathwater is dangerous. You need people around you to ask “is this really a good idea?” The worship of ball control has led our Congress on both sides to say and do some startling scary things. We should try to do better locally.

The Board of Education has Pat Stanley, who looks Mid Century Modern in Franklin but would go unnoticed in the Midwest. She challenges my belief in the productive nature of questioning things. At some point you must stop, pause, and look at your subject matter and audience. One of my daughters said something many years ago about the Board of Education that stuck with me: “Dad, this is adults being overdramatic, we are so far ahead of you guys.”

I have been watching municipal government for 16 years and I am amazed at how ill-equipped some candidates have been. I see no reason to change our leadership, and change for the sake of change is pointless, especially when it’s a lesser trade.

If you are citizen asking something the bar is lower, but does not have to be. If you are a candidate, “You are poopy head” is not a good argument to win office. The thing that gets me is when a candidate looks like they are asking a good question but, in the process, reveals their ignorance. This Is most notable when discussing taxes and municipal budgeting. If you’re running for office, make it fun; ask good questions, not childish ones. You may not win, but everyone will be better for it.

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