
In Your Opinion: Call To Sierra Leoneans To Help With Mudslide Relief

By Willietta Gombeh, Co-Founder of Compassion For Peace and Child Survival Sierra Leone.

Peace and Child Survival Sierra Leone, otherwise known as CPCSSL, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit operating both here in the United States and in the affected area of Freetown Sierra Leone. CPCSSL is proud to say that we have over 12 years of service in the Sierra Leonean community, and donors and volunteers from four continents. We as an organization stand to advocate, educate and rehabilitate those who are less fortunate, and with our three ongoing projects,” Project Learn”, “Project Empower” and our recent and most devastating “Project Flood,” we’ve been able to implement those levels of interventions. With help from the global community, our donors, partners, and volunteers, we’ve been able to transform lives, educate children, empower women and rehabilitate those suffering from physical, mental and emotional scars.

Although we have been able to raise funds and gather donations of much-needed items, (which can be seen on our Instagram and Facebook pages) the reality is we need for more people to contribute to the relief process.

On our Facebook and Instagram pages, you’ll see what people are contributing under our name. It’s incredible to see the solidarity in these times. Unfortunately, a disaster of this magnitude did not just impact lives presently, but it threatens the future of those survivors in the days, months and years to come. With over 600 dead, much unaccounted for and mass displacement, I am contacting you today because I would like to kindly request the help of our fellow Sierra Leoneans to also join in supporting these victims.

Coverage on the devastation of the flood has gone relatively into oblivion due to the recent hurricane in Texas, that’s why it’s so important for Sierra Leone to stay in the headlines. My organization has raised upwards of $4,000 and conducted clothing, medical and food supplies drives around the country for these victims. We have donations pouring in from three continents; Australia, Europe, Africa, and North America. On Saturday we wired $2,500 back home and have been hard at work distributing much-needed supplies to these victims.

We are looking to raise an additional $10,000 to begin the recovery and reform process. Supplies that we’ve distributed but are still in need of are listed below. To contact us on a drop-off and pick up locations please refer to our contact info, which also listed below.

1 Rice Indoor games Chambers
2 Snacks Reading materials Sanitizer
3 Vegetable oil
4.Used clothing Chlorine
5. Baby food
6.Foot wear
7.Sanitary Pad
8.Milk Plates and spoons
9.Baby Diapers
11.Baby Wipes
13.Serving trays
14.Bathing/ Laundering soap
17.Veronica buckets
18.Sachets of water
19. Tooth paste and brush

email: cpcssl.sl@gmail.com
Cell phone: 732-762-0948


Your Thoughts


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