
FHS Holds Show-And-Tell To Entice Private, Charter School Students

Franklin High School held an open house May 9 designed to show off the school to non-students.

Faculty, staff and students of Franklin High School put their best feet forward May 9 during an open house for families with students not in district schools.

Although no district administrator would use the term, the event was an attempt to entice those students into leaving the non-district schools and enrolling in FHS.

“This is an open house for prospective students in Franklin Township who maybe didn’t attend our elementary or middle schools, and give them an opportunity to learn about all the wonderful things that are going on here in Franklin High School,” schools Superintendent John Ravally said.

Several dozen people took up the invitation to discover what the high school had to offer.

The visitors were entertained by the FHS Madrigal Singers and were then led into the theater for some introductory remarks and to view a short video produced about the school.

That was followed by a question and answer period in the gymnasium and a robotics demonstration, a driver’s education simulation and a free-throw competition.

The visitors were also given tours of the school by members of the FHS JROTC battalion.

FHS principal Cheryl Clark told the group that “there is one thing I can guarantee you in this school. The experience the students will have is a commitment from teachers, a commitment from administrative staff, and a commitment from support staff.”

“No child should fail at FHS,” she said. “The resources you have here are better than any other private school or charter school because there are so many resources.”

Clark invited the families to have their children spend a few hours at the school.

“I invite you to give your child an opp to come in and visit during the school day,” she said. “I will open up the doors to allow your child to come in and experience” FHS.

John Felix, co-president of the FHS PTO, told the visitors of his own experiences as an FHS parent.

People tend to hear more about the negatives than the positives of the school, he said.

“What you don’t hear is the success of the majority of the students,” he said. “The situation in this school can only be described as exemplary.”


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