
Central Jersey College Prep Charter School Offers In-Person and Virtual Summer School

CJCP summer program students are socially distanced for their safety. (Photo: CJCP.)

Sponsored Content submitted by Central Jersey College Prep Charter School.

The Central Jersey College Prep Charter School is offering a targeted summer program for all students to meet their individual needs and help to limit summer regression for all students. All summer programs run from Monday, July 13 – Friday, August 21, and will be either in-person or virtually depending on students’ needs.

The aim of all summer programs is to provide students an active, engaging, and productive summer program to meet their individual academic needs. In an effort to close the gap due to the closing of the school in March because of COVID 19, the school made it a priority to provide students with six weeks of ongoing instructional support in the summer. The school counselors used data from formative and summative assessments to place students either in Tier 1, 2, or 3. Tier 1 students were invited to CJCP’s on-site program and Tier 2 and 3 students were assigned a teacher that would be providing virtual instruction.

Both programs are six weeks and teachers developed targeted instruction to support the needs of the students and help students strengthen their skills and knowledge so they are ready for the fall. The in-person program offers targeted and intensive academic support to close the learning gap and help students make progress towards their learning goals. It provides a unique experience with an opportunity to receive substantial one-on-one attention and individualized instruction.

Currently, on average, 70 students, that are in Tier 1, in grades kindergarten through ninth grade, are coming to the on-site summer session five days a week and receiving instruction from teachers from 9 am-1 pm. All Tier 2 and 3 students, in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade, were assigned to a teacher and will complete 1.5 hours of ELA and 1.5 hours of math per week for six weeks. Tier 2 students, who were approaching grade-level mastery were placed in a virtual program that aimed to reinforce and reteach concepts to ensure that students will enter the 2020-21 school year well-equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful.

Students participating in this program receive weekly instruction, targeted assignments to practice and review their skills, and high-quality feedback to guide them in their learning. They also have the opportunity to work closely with the assigned teacher to support them in their learning progress.

Tier 3 students who have met or exceeded grade-level expectations were assigned an enrichment program where they were provided high-level assignments and activities aimed to deepen their critical thinking skills. By providing an individualized program for all students, CJCP is able to help students flourish and grow according to their individual needs. Students participating in this program will have access to weekly enrichment lessons to challenge them on an intellectual level, problem-based learning activities to engage them in a meaningful way, and regular feedback to further their engagement.

CJCP follows all safety requirements imposed by the New Jersey Department of Education as students’ health and safety is the top priority. CJCP instituted several measures in place to ensure that our students remain healthy and safe. Screening methods such as temperature checks and symptom assessment of everyone entering the school building have been priority actions on our list. Also, other infection preventions and control measures have been implemented throughout the building. Students and staff are required to use hand sanitizers before entering the classrooms, before meals, and after using the restrooms. Maintaining social distancing is strictly reinforced whenever possible. Wearing face masks for all students and staff has been made mandatory, with exceptions for particular cases and following the CDC guidelines. We will continue to follow state and health experts’ recommendations to ensure our students and staff remain safe and healthy throughout the summer school.

“This is CJCP’s second year offering an on-site summer program to students who will benefit from more individualized support. It was wonderful to see the CJCP staff eagerness to sign up to teach in the summer program so that they could get back into the classrooms with their students!

With all potential safety measures in place, students are engaged and working with teachers to learn and grow, so they are better prepared for the fall. We are so proud of our dedicated staff for coming in during the summer, during these unprecedented times, to provide meaningful instruction to our students. Walking through the halls and watching the instruction and activities brings so much joy to us because we can see all the students flourishing by being back in the classroom.” explained Dr. Namik Sercan, Chief Education Officer. He added, “It is such a great feeling to be able to see the students learn, discuss, and grow, and to be able to watch the teachers teach and encourage their students!”

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