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Booker Crushes Lonegan in Franklin Township

Democratic U.S. Senator-elect Cory Booker barely lost Somerset County to his Republican opponent, Steve Lonegan in the Oct. 16 special election, but he trounced him in the township. Unofficial results from the Somerset County Clerk’s Office show that Booker garnered 7,731 votes to Lonegan’s 3,438 in Franklin. A total of 11,296 of the township’s 40,072 […]

Rep. Rush Holt: ‘Extreme Minority’ to Blame for Government Shutdown

Following is a statement by U.S. Rep. Rush Holt, D-NJ 12, released after his vote to end the government shutdown: “This bill ends an unnecessary, self-induced crisis.  It fails to end sequestration’s painful cuts in government services.  It fails to invest in creating new jobs.  It follows costly weeks of government shutdown and unnerving the […]

Poll: Booker Extends Lead Over Lonegan in U.S. Senate Race

With the Oct. 16 special U.S. Senate election looming, Democrat Cory Booker has increased his lead over Republican Steve Lonegan, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton poll. The poll shows the Newark mayor with a 58 percent to 36 percent lead over the former Bogota mayor in the race to succeed the late Frank Lautenberg. The […]

Health Insurance Marketplace: What’s Your Experience?

Health Insurance Marketplace: What’s Your Experience?

Well, the Health Insurance Marketplace opened up this morning, and it looks like they still have a few bugs to work out in the application system. Personally, I’ve tried to sign up about six times, but always get stuck at the “Security Questions” section. What’s been your experience? Have you been able to register? Share […]

Rep. Rush Holt Statement: Tea Party Extremists Threaten Economic Catastrophe

Rep. Rush Holt, D-NJ, released the following statement at about 12:30 a.m., some 45 minutes after President Obama ordered the federal government to begin shutting down: “To pass a law, our Constitution says that you need the approval of the House, the Senate, and the President. “The Tea Party doesn’t control the Senate, the presidency, […]

Rep. Rush Holt: There Must be an International Solution to Syrian Crisis

Rep. Rush Holt: There Must be an International Solution to Syrian Crisis

Rep. Rush Holt, D-NJ, represents the 12th Congressional District of New Jersey. Franklin Township is the largest Somerset County town in that district. This is the first of what we plan to be regular conversations with the Congressman about issues of interest to Franklin residents. This first installment deals with the United States’ reaction to […]

Rep. Holt Urges Transparency, Deliberation in Syrian Action Decision

U.S. Rep. Rush Holt, D-12, joined 98 Republican House members in signing a letter urging President Obama to involve Congress in any decisions on U.S. military action in Syria. Other members of the New Jersey delegation who joined Holt in signing the letter were Rep. Scott Garrett, R-5 and Rep. Frank LoBiondo, R-2. Holt was […]

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