
Pet Health

Khalsa portrait

Dr. Deva Khalsa

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Dr. Deva Khalsa has more than two decades’ worth of experience in veterinary medicine, incorporating homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutritional advice, allergy-elimination techniques such as N.A.E.T.. Today her work is a blend of sophisticated holistic techniques and traditional veterinary medicine designed to best enhance the natural strengths and attributes of her patient.

She is the co-author of “Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies” (Howell Book House, 1993), and most recently authored, “Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog” (Kennel Club Books, 2009), a book best described as a “holistic bible” for dog owners. Dr. Kha;sa is presently working on a similar book for the caretakers of cats,

Working with the Deserving Pets company, Dr. Khalsa has designed the most nutritionally comprehensive, easily assimilated yet truly appealing vitamins for our companion dogs and cats.

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