
In Your Opinion: Prasad Must Resign

By Bob LaCorte.

Mr. Prasad, given your recent statement you may give my comments little regard as I am the Chairman of the Republican Party in town.

Republicans are a large part of the engine that makes Franklin work, especially when we work together as one.

Mr. Prasad perhaps you remember we co-chaired the 9-11 memorial together.

Mr. Prasad perhaps you remember you have called on me to do the Memorial Day parade every year.

Mr Prasad perhaps you remember you have called on me to arrange the Veteran’s Day ceremony every year.

If you are able to remember these things than perhaps you can remember specific examples of Republicans stating, they do not want “IN YOUR WORDS” colored statues in town. I don’t remember anyone saying that. Can you share with us examples?

I do remember people talking about the use of open space and the secrecy of how you conducted yourself during this project.

So now Mr. Prasad, I’ll give you some of my time to give me examples of Republicans acting as you have stated. I’ll wait.

In anticipation of your lack of response I prepared more.

Three years ago you viciously attacked residence who opposed the building of Catalpa park using the term Nazis & skin heads and even calling the Chief of police asking him to contact the FBI to intimidate them.

In a text you sent out the evening before your last election you stated Republicans were suppressing the black and Asian vote. None of that turned out to be true. Now this. So much for peace and non-violence.

1. You need to apologize to Republicans, Democrats and the other citizens of Franklin.

2. You need to apologize to the other eight on Council for divisiveness they have had to endure because of you.

3. You need to apologize to the town for the divisiveness you have created in the name of peace and nonviolence because you were not honest, open or transparent about this process which something is this or any council should stand for.

4. Finally, at the end of this meeting, if you have a shred of decency you will resign.

Editor’s Note: These are the comments Mr. LaCorte made at the Sept. 13 Township Council meeting.


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