
In Your Opinion: Mayor Urges Residents To Vote The Entire Ballot

By Mayor Phil Kramer.

The approaching election is of great importance to New Jersey and to Franklin, and I urge everyone to vote the entire ballot.

Many voters only come out once every four years and I assure you this year’s vote is one not to miss. It will impact all of us for years to come. It is about now the reader will expect that I will endorse the Democratic candidates. Well I will not disappoint, I certainly do endorse the exciting Democratic ticket this year but that is not the reason for this letter.

Today, I’m writing to recommend candidates in that other election, the one for the Board of Education (BOE). For the last several years Franklin has voted for the BOE in November during the general election. With the hectic lives we all live, the average citizen has barely enough time to think about Governor, let alone State Senate, Assembly, Freeholder, Clerk and Council. Often forgotten is the BOE, which not only affects our children but also the majority of our property taxes.

As the Township Council BOE liaison, I go to many BOE meetings and I have to say I’ve seen a huge difference in the demeanor and effectiveness of the Board since Ed Potosnak has joined and become the Board President. The body is no longer consumed with personal politics but is actively working for our children and our township. They are also working with the council to move the schools forward as never before.

Since Ed has been Board President academic performance is up and this past year most households in town had a decrease in the taxes they pay to the school system. There is stability in the district and pride is on the rise. Yes, there is much more work to be done, but Ed has been the leader in getting us moving in the right direction for the first time in a decade.

Ed has chosen to align himself with two running mates, Mike Smith and Nishita Desia. I have met and am impressed by both. Mike is a Ph.D. chemist, father, and cabinet maker and Nishita Desai is a biology teacher and mom.

I strongly endorse Mike, Nishita and Ed and ask that you vote for them. Their positions on the ballot are columns 1 (Smith), 3 (Desai) and 6 (Potosnak). Please consider the entire ballot and when you vote for the Board Of Education, please vote 1 – 3 – 6.


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