
‘Drive For Men’s Health’ Makes Stop At Anytime Fitness’ New Location

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Florida-Based urologic robot surgeons Drs. Sijo Parekattil, left, and Jamin Brahmbhatt stopped in the newest Anytime Fitness location June 12 with their “Drive For Men’s Heath” program.

A pair of Florida-based doctors traveling cross-country with a health message for men stopped off June 12 at the newest Anytime Fitness location on Elizabeth Avenue.

The message they brought was for men to “drop their excuses,” see their doctors and follow healthy lifestyles.

That message resonated personally with Daniella Harris, the owner of the Anytime Fitness franchise, who made ensuring men look after their heath a mission after the death of her husband.

“Anytime I have the opportunity to be a part of anything that will encourage men to keep their appointments and go to the doctor, I’m always there for it,” said Harris, who also owns the Anytime club on Hamilton Boulevard.

The doctors will eventually make their way to Los Angeles, Cal., driving in a Tesla emblazoned with the logos of the 3-year-old program’s sponsors.

The two physicians, Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt and Dr. Sijo Parekattil, are partners on the journey and also in a Clermont, Fla. urologic medical practice.

Brahmbhatt said the program began three years ago “as a crazy idea to take my partner’s Tesla and drive it from Florida to New York.” Along the way, the two held online talks with doctors from around the world which generated 350,000 views, he said.

The second year, the two partnered with large educational institutions for programs and reached about 450 million people on social media, he said.

“This year, we decided to make it a more personal fitness journey,” Parekattil said.

The two partnered with Anytime Fitness and will make stops in locations throughout their 10-day cross-country journey. The programs include testimonials from local club members about how paying attention to their health helped them, followed by a short, but intense, exercise session. The two will also use social media to help spread the message.

“We’re just showing them that we are walking the walk and it can be easy and fun,” Brahmbhatt said. “We want guys to drop their excuses and take better care of themselves.”

“Anytime Fitness is extremely proud to assist the Drive for Men’s Health in its mission to raise awareness about men’s health issues and to urge men to speak more freely about those issues with their doctors, friends and families,” Chuck Runyon, CEO and Co-founder of Anytime Fitness, said in a press release about the program.

From Franklin, the doctors will head to New York City, then on to points west.

New Anytime Fitness Club

Harris said she decided to open a second location in the township to further her personal mission of “helping people in general,” and she focused on Franklin’s western section because of all the development going on there.

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The newest Anytime Fitness club is about 5,500 square feet and offers a range of equipment.

“I wanted to be a part of that growth,” she said, noting that people typically will only workout within a 3-mile radius of where they live and work.

The Elizabeth Avenue location, which is now open, is located in the Crossroads at Somerset center, next to Frank’s Pizza. The gym is roughly 5,500 square feet, and includes much of the same equipment and exercise spaces.

There is one new feature own the Elizabeth Avenue site, Harris said: a “functional training” area.

“That’s training to build strength to do everyday things like lift a bag of groceries, or lift a baby,” she said. “That’s blown up in the last two years.”

Harris said the difference between Anytime Fitness clubs and others is the former’s commitment to personal training, and, she said, that will increase in the new location.

She said the club offers one-on-one training, training in groups of two to four people, and “team training,” with up to 15 people. The more people involved, she said, the more affordable the program.

Every new client will get a personal movement assessment to determine things such as muscle imbalances, Harris said.

“It’s a very specific functional movement screen that we use to evaluate and track the quality of each client’s basic movement patterns,” she said.

She said that all service packages now include a nutrition component as well.

“We’re focusing on being a lot more personal,” she said. “We meet you where you’re at and get you where you’re going.”


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