
Somerset Presbyterian Church Revives Peach And Strawberry Festival

By PJ Parker

The thunderclouds and rain did not dampen the August 11 Peach and Strawberry Festival/Fish Fry at Somerset Presbyterian Church on John F. Kennedy Boulevard.

A fundraiser for the church, the peach and strawberry theme had been resurrected after a three-year hiatus.

Originally planned for the church’s wide, grassy frontage, activities shifted indoors with abundant dessert offerings, kids’ face and arm painting and a visit with two Franklin Township Police Officers, Sgt. Sean Hebbron and Officer Ken Reid.

As part of the fundraising efforts, peach- and strawberry themed baked desserts were available for sale. The event was organized by church members.

A highlight of the afternoon included a rendition of “Amazing Grace” by church Elder, Dr. George Patterson.

According to church member Yvonne Ceaser, this was an opportunity for the community to come together and just have a good time.

Here are some scenes from the day:


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